Russell & Charlotte Linscombe
P.O. Box 64317 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 (337) 849-3300 |
Merry Christmas!!
Glory to God In the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men. —Luke 2:14
God’s glory shines throughout Mexico, and with your help, we do our best to extend goodwill towards the people He directs us to. Meet Rosa Hernandez from the photo below. She is over 70 and a widow from the Chenalho area. Normally, MX Outreach has built homes for widow ladies that have been given 650 block and rebar by the county. The widows are generally so poor that they do not have the funds to purchase the remaining materials to complete their house. Rosa was given block and rebar, but she cried when we visited her, because she had to sell her rebar to have money to eat. After hearing her story, we decided to build her a house anyway. She cried even more and gave Russell a very big hug as she expressed her thankfulness.
We thank all of you who continue to be such a blessing to the people of MX through your prayers, finances and work teams. May God grant you the desires of your heart and His richest blessings in this new year!