“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Pastor Alejandro and the Chenalhó church will be honoring Russell and Charlotte Linscombe on January 3, 2025 to celebrate 35 years of ministry in the state of Chiapas. In January 2026, there will be a celebration in Oaxaca of their 40 years in Mexico.
Ismael and Lizeth were married recently as a result of their beautiful love story which began when they were students at IBI Chenalhó. Both are March 2024 graduates
JESUS~The Reason For The Season!
This phrase is a wonderful reminder of what this time of year is all about. We love it and agree! Yet, Jesus is also the reason we live and move and have our being everyday of the year. Salvation is not found in any other name. And whatsoever we do in word or in deed, we do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus. This is the foundation of Mexico Outreach.
We thank God for all your words and deeds to help others. It was an incredible year, and this is a season of celebration and reflection. Construction of widow’s homes, a dormitory, church buildings, etc. are tangible deeds, but something wonderful happens as a result of having locations for worship and sharing God’s love. Medical and dental care was given throughout all the campaigns to relieve suffering and to give hope. Every two years, our Bible schools have a new class of students receiving instruction from the Word of God. They go out and keep the “great commission” of the Lord alive and active. The many pastors and leaders that you bless and encourage, minister to thousands throughout Mexico. The children, women and those in extreme poverty are served all year long with prayer and distribution of goods. Maybe our newsletters all look the same, but each event, each photo and each act of kindness is current and unique to the person on the receiving end. And you make it all possible!
The most remarkable success stories are the ones where lives are changed miraculously for now and all eternity. This is the testimony of Lorenzo Gómez (Pictured Left), who grew up next door to the church in Chenalhó. He was not from a Christian home. In fact, no one in their family had accepted Christ until his sister Elena came to know the Lord. Because of what Christ had done in her life, she began attending church services knowing she would pay a dear price. Her alcoholic father would beat her every time she returned home. At that time, Lorenzo was also an alcoholic. We remember him well. His countenance was very hardened, and he stole things to support his addiction. One night in 2011, Lorenzo was passed out drunk in the streets of Chenalhó. He woke up enough to realize that he would die if he did not get to a warm place and change his ways. Having watched Elena go through such persecution convinced him that whatever she had found in life was real, and he wanted it. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and was miraculously changed. Four years later, he became a student at the IBI Chenalhó campus. It was evident that Lorenzo had not only learned from the professors, but also had been taught many great truths by the Holy Spirit. Following graduation, he joined our IBI staff as a Spanish-Tzotzil interpreter for 4 more graduating classes. Today we rejoice because he is now married, has a precious little girl, is one of the preachers under Pastor Alejandro in Chenalhó and has just recently began teaching Old Testament Bible Inductive classes alongside of Rosy Hernandez.
Thank you for your prayers, financial gifts, deeds and words done in the Name of our Lord Jesus this Christmas and all year long! Many blessings to you and your family! —Russell and Charlotte Linscombe
IBI November Sessions
Tuxtepec-Class of 2025
Students with Professors Mike Mahoney and Stephen Rannells, Directors Cesar and Mauri, Josias and Interpreter Berenice. Graduation will be March 15, 2025!
Thank you to the professors for teaching Christ’s Kingdom in the Marketplace.
Students proudly displaying their tests with a grade of 100%.
Professor Rannells also was honored to preach at Bethesda Church on Sunday.
Chenalhó-Class of 2026
Students with Russell, Director Raul, Professors Joe and Cathy Schoblocher, Don and Pastor Jim, Teachers Rosy and Lorenzo and Interpreter Luis Pinto
Each individual student was prayed over by the professors and leaders.
So grateful for the professors who taught God’s Provision in Christ.
Students were taught the meaning of communion followed by a special time of partaking together.
IBI Student Sponsorships
For MXO, the greatest calling and need continues to be to train up pastors and leaders and to raise funds for their schooling.
A student sponsorship is $800 for the complete two year program and it takes more than one sponsor per student. An entire two week session is $5,000 per campus. If you would like to help, it can be monthly, annually or one time online or by mail. Whatever works for you.
God has been faithful and so have our sponsors for the past 11 years of IBI history!!
Pastor Carlos Tovilla invited IBI Professor Ronald Gray to be a special speaker for the annual pastors conference of the Iglesia Jesucristo Sobre La Roca organization. Interpreter was Luis Pinto.
Ryan Jordan and the Florida team from Access Church who built two homes for widows and ministered to the children of the community.
The beautiful home built by the team with the widow and her daughter.
Team praying to dedicate the second completed home. Each home was provided with furnishings and a new Bible.
The Access Church team leading the children in a worship time.
Medical/Dental Team
Team led by Dr. Jim Nichols with wife, Carmen, Carmen, Dr. Lulu and Raul Araujo, Kyra Ridglay PA, Dr. David Guidry, Mauri, Cesar, Walter, Ana, Luis, Bernice, Josias, Jacqueline, and Obed.
Dr. Jim with a patient.
Carmen organizing the supplies.
Dr. Lulu in a consultation.
Team in morning devotions.
Highlands Women’s Conference
The Wonderful Team
Many thanks to the massive multi-national team for hosting this conference!
Group from Church on the Rock-Texarkana led by Pastor LaNell.
Bethesda ladies from Tuxtepec, Oaxaca
Event leaders: Olga, Mauri, LaNell, Rosa, Barbara, Berenice, Charlotte and Rosy
Pastor’s Wives Conference
The women of the highlands enjoyed an all day leadership conference.
The Bethesda Team prepared a special luncheon which was enjoyed by the pastor’s wives.
Services and Ministry
LaNell preaching Sunday morning in Chenalhó with Alejandro and Luis.
Hilda, Bernice & Charlotte ministering during a service.
Pictures from the women’s conference services in Chenalhó, Tzabalhó and Rancharia Sinai.
Meaningful prayer ministry daily.
The team ministered to the children throughout the week.
Practical Gifts
Thanks to Church on the Rock for their generous gift and work towards completing the construction of a new dorm in Chenalhó.
The ladies and kids were blessed with many gifts from Church on the Rock.