“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.”
Luis Pinto, Berenice, & Seth
Every good and perfect gift comes from God, our Father. And what an incredible gift He has given to us and the ministry work in Mexico by allowing this family to work alongside of us. Luis and his wife, Berenice have been our interpreters for the IBI professors from the US for several years now. They also have interpreted for all of our conferences and many other events. And now, they will work full time with us in all ministry endeavors throughout the year. For some time we have prayed and sought the Lord for more help. God has sent an enormous amount of team leaders and dedicated people from the US for which we are so grateful. In addition, we needed someone full time, and the best was sent to us! What better than for God to raise up those in their own country to continue His work and purposes! Luis and Berenice both have degrees from universities in MX and also completed the Bible studies of IBI. They are well equipped by God to serve His purposes. We have known Berenice all her life and Luis since he was a very young teenager. You will be seeing much more from this amazing couple in the future.
It has been a year of great accomplishments in MX! Thank you all for being a part of its success! May your holiday season and new year be blessed with good and perfect gifts from above, and Jesus be your focus of celebrating with friends and loved ones!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Another Great Gift to Us
Is Dr. Jim Nichols and his wife, Carmen, who led a medical campaign in the Tuxtepec area. Thanks to all helpers including Drs. Ryan & Lulu. The Nichols also led a TX team in the Tuxtla/Chenalho area.
Pastors’ Wives & Women’s Conferences
Pastors’ Wives Conference: For the past 17 years, we have met together in Chenalho, Chiapas to minister to the women of The Highlands. This week long conference includes an all day event for the pastors’ wives with services, a special luncheon, personal prayer times, activities and gifts.
Conferences Ministry Team & Interpreters: Berenice, Olga, Rotimi, Hilda, Mauri, Rosa, LaNell, Charlotte, & Rosy. God powerfully used our anointed speakers and interpreters!
Daily Women’s Services were also held and well attended in four different regions among the Tzotzils, Chamulas, & Tzeltals.
Women of Tuxtepec
Prepared a delicious banquet meal that was enjoyed by approximately 350 people.
Each day the children of the women attending the conference had fun in their own classes and activities while their mothers received royal treatment. The daily lives of these indigenous women are very hard, so it was a joy to bless them!
Throughout each year, beans, rice, shoes, clothing and Bibles are distributed to those in various locations. All the women of the conference received a kilo of both beans and rice with a little something extra for the pastors’ wives, thanks to COTR-TX.
Special Thanks To All The Conference Helpers !
What an amazing team the Lord puts together each year! This year we had team members who were from Texarkana, TX, Colorado, Tuxtla, Chenalho, Tuxtepec and Lacandon. You are loved and appreciated!
IBI Session III
This Class of 2021 already has a great depth and substance in their walk with the Lord. Yet their great hunger to learn more of God’s Word makes it a joy for all the professors to teach these students.
Professors Joe Schoblocher & Don Holtzappel taught God’s Provision in Christ with help of Luis Pinto & our Tzotzil interpreters.
Professor Don teaching the class a song God gave him in the night.
Much personal prophetic ministry & prayer for the sick took place. What a blessed time together!
This photo displays a poignant example of the intensity of our students as they weep and seek God’s heart.
Fiesta night with food & worship. Many alumni joined the celebration.
A House for Virginia
Many Thanks to Leonard & Karolyn Maughn and all those who contributed to build a house for Virginia. Having suffered with the effects of polio since she was 7 yrs old & then losing her house to an earthquake 2 yrs ago, God has blessed her with a house that will meet her handicap needs!