“My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.”
Class of 2021 IBI Chenalho Graduation
Our souls magnify the Lord and our spirits rejoice in God our Savior! Against many obstacles, many great things were accomplished throughout Southern Mexico this past year. A little delayed due to the pandemic, but we are so happy to report that 22 students graduated in November from IBI Chenalho. Many thanks to all the professors, leaders and students for their fervency in finishing the course. US teams were able to return to Mexico during the summer months. Church buildings and widow’s homes continued to be built. Children were ministered to as well as the youth and women. Medical campaigns were held when possible. Many blankets, Bibles, kilos of beans and rice, medical supplies and clothing items were distributed. The Kingdom of God continues to grow in maturity and numerically. Local pastors along with workers in the body of Christ have carried on successfully in ministry.
Thank you so much for your generous financial support which has continued to increase in many areas. And your prayer support, which makes all of it possible, is always so appreciated. May your soul magnify the Lord and rejoice in God our Savior who has brought us through a challenging but victorious year!
Merry Christmas and may 2022 be filled with God’s greatest blessings to you and your family!
Goods Were Distributed
All last year of many different types. COTR-Texarkana purchased 280 blankets for the Chenalho women’s conference.
Carlos Perez, Our faithful Helper
In the Ministry in MX was recently married to Laura, a beautiful Christian lady of his hometown of Chenalho.
Medical Campaigns
(Left)Team went to various remote villages under leadership of Dr. Lulu & Dr. Nichols. Members were from MX, CA, TX, LA, FL & NE. (Right) Dr. Jim Nichols in Usila, Oaxaca for September medical campaign. Assisted by Luis Pinto.
Widow’s Home Funds
Provided by a US Team. After her husband’s death, Petrona rented a small restaurant building where she and her two daughters shared a bed in the corner room.
Housing Provided
With your help for these families in Tuxtla who were homeless last Christmas.
The December Lacandon Youth Conference
This event continues to grow each year.
Our Transportation
Boating to Peña Blanca, Oaxaca with the team from Texarkana, Texas.
VBS in Chenalho
The week concluded with 175 kids attending. Many thanks to local workers and the US team!
IBI Tuxtepec News
New International Bible Institute Campus
A new Bible School campus of the International Bible Institute was established this past May in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Professor Stephen Rannells once again helped us establish another IBI school and taught Session I. The opening of this school was delayed by one year due to covid-19, but things are now up and running well under the leadership of Director Cesar Salcedo and his wife Maurice. If all stays on the planned schedule, graduation will be in March 2023. Glory to God for another training center reaching students from a different part of Mexico!
Session I
(Left) Tuxtepec class (Right) The Linscombes, our faithful interpreters-Berenice, Seth and Luis Pinto, Professor Rannells, and IBI Directors-Cesar Saceldo and Mauri.
Session II
Students showed appreciation to Luis, Professor Chuck Bass and Dr. LeRoy Curtis
Session III
Great teaching and personal ministry time with Pastor Jim, Don, Interpreter Luis and Pastor Joe.
IBI Chenalho News
IBI Chenalho Session V - A New Thing!
After three sessions of classes were shut down during the pandemic, God opened the doors for March 2021 classes to be conducted online. Professor Raul taught from Tuxtla. Rosy met with the Tzotzil students, and they viewed classes online from Chenalho and all other students zoomed in from their homes. We, along with Professor Stephen Rannells, greeted the class from CO, as Luis Pinto translated from Tuxtepec. While this is common in the US, it was our first IBI experience to use this method. Thanking God it was very successful!
Session VI - Class of 2021
(Left) Back in Chenalho with Professors LeRoy Curtis and (Right) Chuck Bass.
Session VII
Professor Stephen Rannells, Russell, Director Raul, Interpreter Luis and Daniel Sanchez.
Session VIII
Dr. Michael McCarty and Professor Ronald Gray on graduation day last month.
Women’s Conference
The Highlands Women’s Conference In Chiapas
Had large gatherings over the course of the week in each community with over 200 attending in Chenalho.
The Large Team From Texarkana, TX, Oaxaca & Chiapas
Made the Chenalho women’s conference and pastor’s wives luncheon a reality.
Indigenous Oaxacan Zones
Were represented by many of the women.
COTR-Texarkana Team
Joined by Pastor Carlos Tovilla, Barbara, his wife and a speaker at the conference, and sons.
Ministering To Women from the Oaxaca Area
By Lanell Miller and team. A special luncheon was provided. Pastor’s wives and leaders appreciated the special prayer time during the well attended conference.
Tuxtepec Women’s Conference Hostess
Mauri, dressed in clothing from a Oaxaca zone along with her daughter and our interpreter, Berenice.
Churches Built
King’s Trail Cowboy Church Of Whitewright, TX
(Top) Built a church building in Joveltic, Chiapas.(Right)Due to the remote location, the process involved a tent camping trip.
Dedication Service
For a new church building in Peña Blanca, Chiapas. Funds provided by Pastor Travis Jackson and team from areas near north TX.
An Earthquake
Caused the need for a new church building in Monte Libano, Chiapas. Funds provided by Sam and Helen Cameron.
New Church
In Naranjatic Banjo, Chiapas built by team from Melissa, TX area led by Matt and Michelle Malone.