“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. ”
Nahá Church Dedication
Ribbon cutting in Nahá with Russell, Travis and his 8 year old son, Gabe.
Many thanks to Travis Jackson and the COTR team for raising the project funds!
The children of Nahá participating in the celebration.
American team distributing Bibles, beans and rice to the Mayan people.
To everything there is a season, and we sense a new season upon us. Longevity in commitment has proven to produce very good fruit. Faithful construction and medical teams have served alongside of us for years now helping thousands of people. In addition we are seeing "the Lord is good to those who wait for Him.” Lamentations 3:25.
Cayun from Lacandon
After many years of outreach to the Lacandon people of Nahá, MXO had the privilege of constructing a block church building in this remote village (Pictured Above). The people in the white tunics are among the purest bloodline known to the original Mayan people. Two of our IBI graduates minister here. One is a Lacandon named Cayun, who shares the love of Jesus in his own dialect called Maya. The dedication of this building was a historical event both in the natural and the spiritual since the Mexican government protects this people group.
“Your songs have changed our lives!” This quote was said by a pastor in Mexico to songwriter/worship leader, Jared Anderson, and rings true for us all. People of Mexico have followed Jared’s music for years, and many of his songs have been translated into Spanish. We recently enjoyed hosting the Anderson Family in Oaxaca, and clearly witnessed that God’s perfect timing was worth the wait. God’s intense presence in all the gatherings revealed that the Lord was doing a deep work in all of our lives.
We feel this is only the beginning of great days ahead in Mexico. Thank you for being a part of God’s purposes!
FBC-Texarkana Teams
We are so grateful for FBC-Texarkana who has sent teams for many years and built many churches! Their trips generally are in remote areas that require tent camping and more primitive conditions.
(Above) The Chocolha ribbon cutting day for church dedication with Overseer Pastor Pasqual and Mike Beck, FBC-Texarkana Mission Director.
(Right) This fathers, sons and grandfather team constructed a beautiful building in Chocolha, Chiapas.
Lacandon Youth Conference
Thanks to all who financed this impactful event!
Luis Pinto and Berenice
Our full-time helpers, welcomed a 2nd son, Mateo, last January along with Seth (2 yrs old). This photo is of their property where MXO is joining MX Ministries to raise funds to build this precious family their own home. Always working diligently and joyfully, they are a blessing to us and God’s kingdom!
In Memory of Al Brown
We are deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend, Al Brown, on April 15, 2022. Yet we know he is reunited with his wife, Mickey, in the presence of our Lord.
Church Construction Requests
A generous food offering often is given with a construction request. This was an honorable gesture and the turkey became mole de pavo the next day.
Lacandon January Medical Campaign
What a great medical team came together in January who helped many people in the Lacandon area!
Special thanks to the doctors, dentists, nurses and workers who made the campaign possible.
Much planning and preparation goes into each campaign.
Drs. Joe and Lulu treated several hundred patients in remote villages.
IBI Tuxtepec-Session IV
Many Thanks to Professors Bill Watts and Dave for teaching Session IV: Covenant and Kingdom in Me.
A faith lesson as each student had an opportunity to fall and trust classmates to catch them.
Professor Bill Watts and Interpreter Luis Pinto.
Many illustrated lessons were outside the classroom as well as inside. Fun times!
Ministry With The Andersons
What an incredible time of ministering with the Anderson Family during their Spring Break!
Lyla and Francie Anderson also ministered beautifully through their music.
Josias (Nathan), Jared and Jamima made an amazing worship team. Due to Jared’s expertise, Josaias and Jared produced a beautiful original song during a one-on-one co-songwriting experience.
Jared and the worship team concluded the youth conference in Tuxtepec with a powerful evening concert.
An awesome presence of the Spirit of God was with us as people worshipped Jesus in complete adoration. It was holy ground as lives were cleansed, healed, renewed and strengthened.
Caterino Ministry
Children’s Ministry
(Left) The children prepared a special program for us.
(Below Left) We are grateful to the US churches who sponsor a feeding program to the people of Catarino.
(Below Right) Great appreciation to the Andersons for the many gifts to the Catarino children.
Basurero Ministry
(Right) Pastor Alfredo has a powerful ministry in Caterino including ministering to those working in the basurero (trash dump).
(Below Left) Many boxes of rubber boots were given to the basurero workers who were so grateful!
(Below Right) The event concluded with prayer and praise.
A Trip To Usila, Oaxaca
Involved several interesting means of transportation and food.