“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. ”
Instituto Bíblico Internacional
Class of 2021
We did not have sufficient space in our previous newsletters to properly share with all of you the beautiful ceremony and eventful occasion for the Class of 2021. Therefore, we hope you enjoy an additional update devoted totally to IBI.
What an accomplishment! This amazing class of students endured delays and many hardships, but was able to finish strong!
IBI Chenalhó staff and and professors of Session 8: Christ Kingdom in the World.
International Outreach Ministries (IOM) has provided IBI with our Bible curriculum and professors from the US who have taught in Mexico for 10 years. Ronald Gray, IOM Director of Mission Support, Michael McCarty, IOM Executive Director and keynote speaker, Pastor Carlos Tovilla, IBI President.
To God be the glory!
Russell and Charlotte presenting a Bible to Jhonnatan “Jhonny” Hernandez during graduation. Many thanks to our wonderful sponsors who have financed the International Biblical Institute school and blessed the students with gifts of new Bibles.
IBI Director Raul Araujo and the class valedictorian, Delfina Garcia Arcias of Villahermosa, Tabasco.
A view of the ceremony from the church balcony.
Two of our dear kitchen helpers (Rosalinda and Virginia) preparing a family and friends reception for all of our graduates.
Celebration Time!!
Mexico Outreach Priorities
Every aspect of ministry is important! It is important to God and to the individual who is the recipient of the blessing. Yet, if there would be a top priority of Mexico Outreach, it would be the training of leaders and pastors. In return, they are the ones who continue the work of the ministry in all other areas. It brings us great joy to show you photos from the last months of IBI classes and our latest graduation. So many of you have made IBI a reality—every US professor who gives of their time and finances, the directors, every teacher from Mexico, interpreters, maintenance workers, cooks, housekeepers, and of course the students and sponsors. The results seen in the lives of our graduates has surpassed even our highest expectations and brings glory to our Lord! Thank you for your prayers and continued financial support. May the Lord abundantly bless you!
We pray the following summary written by Professor Stephen Rannells about his time in May with the IBI classes will be a blessing to you.
“It was a privilege to again travel to Mexico to teach in both schools in Chenalhó, Chiapas and Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.
The class in Chenalhó was the first session for the Class of 2024. The subject was “God and Covenant History.” The class of 22 students was a great mix of men and women, who are pastors and leaders from both Mexican and Mayan churches throughout Southern Mexico. The students were excited to begin their journey through the courses. The first class is always a challenge to some to complete the work and take required tests, and this class did well in the first tests. What a humbling experience to be able to share the truth of God’s revelation of Himself to receptive students! This class knows how to worship the Lord and respond to the Holy Spirit. It will be a joy for any of the teachers to come and be with them.
In Tuxtepec, this was the fifth quarter’s lesson for the class of 2023. The subject was, “Christ Kingdom in the Family.” The students were very open to receive and learn from the Scripture, the Holy Spirit and from me, as a teacher. They were people of worship and prayer and knew how to rejoice in what they received in the lessons. Several times during the week, we would just stop and the students would respond to the Spirit of the Lord, dropping to their knees or standing and weeping in the Lord’s presence. The subject of the Father’s love and the mother’s nurturing ministered deeply to many of them. It will be a joy to go back in November to be with them again.”
You can now follow us at The Mexico Outreach on Facebook for ministry updates and interesting events.
IBI Tuxtepec-Class of 2023
This class has entered its second year of studies and what an incredible group this has been! Graduation will be on March 18, 2023 in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca following the last two week class session. All sponsors are invited to join us for this eventful occasion.
Pastor Angel Bravo Luna, a Mazateco from Jalapa de Diaz, Oaxaca along with the entire class praying for Professor Stephen.
Professor Stephen and interpreter Luis as they teach Christ Kingdom in the Family.
Pastor Cesar Salcedo, the director of IBI Tuxtepec campus and IJSR leader in the eastern Oaxaca area. We are so thankful for the dedication that Cesar and his wife Mauri have for making this a great school.
Professor Stephen had all students participate in the teaching process. Manuel Rodriguez sharing with fellow classmates from the lesson that day.
The Tuxtepec campus has been instrumental in reaching so many pastors and leaders who would not have been able to travel the long distance to Chenalhó, Chiapas. God has provided!
IBI Chenalhó-New Class of 2024
This past May, a new class of students gathered in Chenalhó to begin their two year study program. This class makes our 5th generation in Chenalhó and the 6th group including the Tuxtepec class which started one year ago.
Pastor Carlos Tovilla, president of IJSR “Iglesia de Jesucristo Sobre la Roca”A.R. and president of Instituto Bíblico Internacional Sobre la Roca, exhorting the new students and praying a blessing over them on opening day.
Opening remarks from Raul Araujo. He has been such a faithful and devoted IBI director since the beginning.
Students spend many hours during the quarterly class session led by well seasoned and qualified professors who have taught in various countries around the world. We are also very grateful to have such wonderful students who are committed and eager to learn.
This class of students are from the states of Chiapas and Tabasco. Some are pastors, teachers, worship leaders, etc, but all have a desire for deeper training and understanding of God’s Word.
IBI Chenalhó Staff
Luis Pinto, English-Spanish Interpreter
Raul Araujo, IBI Director and Professor
Russell Linscombe, Administrator
Stephen Rannells, Professor
Lorenzo Gómez, Spanish-Tzotzil Interpreter
Rosy Hernandez, Spanish-Tzotzil Interpreter and IBI Inductive Teacher
Charlotte Linscombe, Administrator
Jemima Sanchez A, Worship leader and IBI Inductive teacher
Times of adoration and worship to the Lord is a major part of our student’s days while attending IBI.
Berenice Salcedo and son, Mateo in Chenalhó. She is one of our excellent Spanish-English interpreters soon to be rejoining the classroom beside her husband Luis Pinto. Mateo and their 2 year old son, Seth, are keeping her quite busy at the moment.
Pastor Alejandro Hernandez of Chenalhó and IBI campus host church, who is a graduate from the first Class of 2013 with Professor Stephen Rannells, who has initiated all first session classes for the 6 generations of students attending IBI and is known as Padrino (the Godfather) of IBI.
Professor Stephen Rannells ministering a powerful message at Torre Fuete in Tuxtla prior to teaching in Chenalhó, Chiapas for IBI classes. Luis Pinto, our faithful and very professional interpreter.
Mother’s Day is always May 10th in Mexico. This year it was during IBI classes, and our own local Mariachi group honored the mothers by serenading that morning during breakfast.