And an angel of the Lord said to them, “Do not be afraid; for I bring you good news of great joy.”
Luke 2:10
There was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host… saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:13,14.
During this Christmas season, we want to express our gratitude to all of you who have made the ministry of Mexico Outreach possible. Through your prayers, trips to Mexico and financial contributions, the “Good News” could be shared with the people of Mexico. Because of your gifts: church buildings have been built, widows received block houses, a new dormitory is being constructed, orphans have been ministered to, the two Bible school campuses conducted leaders training sessions quarterly, homes for our two staff members have been built, medical campaigns were held in remote villages, conferences for youth and women ministered to many, children’s services were held including a VBS in Chenalho, Bibles, blankets, beans, rice and many other gifts were distributed, US teams served along side of our local MX teams and the list goes on. As always, our primary focus in all of this has been to share the gospel message of Christ our Savior and to show the love of God.
This photo and the one above of angels are from the women’s conference in November. Hilda brings great beauty in worship through leading a praise dance team. They remind us of the Christmas message which brings joy and peace to each of us willing to receive it. We are not alone and neither are you. Together we can fulfill God’s purposes and walk through life’s seasons of challenge without fear. We praise and declare “Glory to God in the highest!”
Merry Christmas to you and your family and may 2023 be the best year for us all, filled with fresh joy and peace!
Construction Updates
Updated photo of Luis and Berenice’s house construction. Hoping to move in by Christmas. Thanks to all who have contributed through MX Outreach and MX Ministries!
Thanks to Church on the Rock -Texarkana for the contributions of finances and labor to complete the beautiful home of our staff worker, Carlos Perez and his family!
Thanks to the generous donations toward a new dormitory in Lacandon, we can share this recent photo of continued construction.
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Oaxaca Medical Campaign
Last September a medical campaign was conducted in Jalapa de Diaz and various communities of Usila, Oaxaca. Team members were from the states of LA and CA, Tuxtepec and local areas of Oaxaca. Destinations were several hours drive (or by boat) from Tuxtepec.
Many thanks to Dr. Jim Nichols and wife, Carmen, who have compassionately served those in need in Mexico for many years.
Carmen and Luis on a walk bridge over the river to reach Lázaro Cárdenas.
Access Church-FL Team
Tremendous blessings!
The team from Access Church led by Pastor Ryan Jordan financed and built block homes for two Chenalho widows.
One was for Margarita. Her son, Fernando (front and center) was the first family member to accept Jesus at 12 years old through Chenalho children’s outreach. He bought the land for his widowed mother.
The other was for Maria and her daughter, Juana.
Fun Ministry Times with Children!!
The team with many children in Chenalho.
An afternoon at the Casa Hogar Alegre Orphanage in Tuxtla.
Chiapas Highlands Women’s Conference
Tzabalho ladies registering for the conference.
Chenalho choir singing special songs during a service.
Many gifts were given to all the ladies in attendance.
Ministry team for the conference services: Olga, Rosy, Charlotte, Berenice, Mauri, LaNell, Rosa, Barbara.
The conference team was from Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Tuxtepec, Atoyac, Lacandon, Tuxtla and Chenalho.
Tuxtepec ladies wearing traditional clothing of their state.
The team led by Mauri joyfully served all week and cooked a special luncheon for the pastor’s wives and their families.
Pastors’ Wives Special Ministry Day
The day was well attended by the pastors’ wives
Time of worship and ministry for the ladies.
Prayer time during a special service for the ministers’ wives.
The ministers’ wives enjoying the special luncheon funded by Church on the Rock-Texarkana and prepared by the team from Tuxtepec.
November 2022
Tuxtepec Class of 2023
Session VII: The Kingdom of God in the Marketplace
Students, Professors, Staff, Directors, Pastor Cesar and Mauri
Professor Stephen Rannells teaching with Interpreter Berenice.
Russell & Melton van der Merwe, Missions Director for New Life Church of Colorado Springs.
Students participating in a fun exercise during Professor Melton’s class.
We’re getting reading for the March 18, 2023 graduation! All sponsors & professors are invited!
Chenalho Class of 2024
Session III: God’s Provision through Christ Kingdom & the Covenant
Students, Professors, Staff and Director Raul
Pastor Joe teaching Session III with Interpreter Luis Pinto.
The professors spent an extensive amount time praying for each student.
(Left to Right) Professors for Session III - Pastor Joe, Don, Pastor Jim, with Interpreter Luis & Russell
Great fun during a fiesta with Director Raul and IBI students.