By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.
John 13:35
Love God and love people! The assignment can be written in five words, but great cost and sacrifice have gone before these days of seeing much fruit for God’s Kingdom which we are now enjoying. In recent years while working in MX, we have come to know love in depths we never knew existed. We have the privilege of connecting Americans and Mexicans (including the many indigenous groups) together to meet various needs for all of us. It is love that brings medical professionals to MX over and over again. It is love that causes Americans to give their finances, their vacation time and to leave their families to serve people they often do not even know. And it is also because of love that we have the connections with the leaders of MX that make this work of God possible. Here are two of the many examples of this love:
Pastor Pasqual of Lacandon while hosting the Lacandon medical campaign detailed below, showing appreciation to team leader, Dr. Jim Nichols.
No one loves God and loves people more than our Pastor Pasqual. As a teenager, his Mexican family flew to Lacandon in a crop duster plane since there were no roads into the area. They started life all over again from nothing. And because of God’s love, they preached the Gospel among the Lacandon and Tzeltal people. It was not an easy assignment, but you know you are loved by God and these people when you work along side of Pastor Pasqual. (Photo to the left.)
Another dear leader was given away by her parents when she was just a child. She basically was a child slave for other families. Because of her love for God, forgiveness allowed her to survive the trauma and later be restored in relationship with her parents. This precious woman, who knew no love except the love of God, actually loves more deeply than anyone we know. And she has taught us how to love!
It is a beautiful experience following the journey that God gives His people. We are thankful you are part of it and are making a difference by your love for God and love for people!
Lacandon Medical Campaign
The team for the annual January medical campaign held in Lacandon and surrounding areas. Members were from various US states and locations in MX. Veteran medical professionals returned and were joined by some new interns.
Dr. Joe Barnes caring for a Tzeltal women.
New Van Fund Matching Offer!
Mexico Outreach is in need of a new van. Our grey van is 17 years old and has over 124,000 miles. Floor board is rusting out. It has been well used all these years by teams. Luis and Berenice and their boys are using it to travel between Tuxtepec, Oaxaca to Chenalho, Chiapas.
A great opportunity has been presented to us. Someone has offered $20,000 USD to go towards a new van. The offer has one condition - that we raise matching funds. Praying for God’s provision.
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Ministry in Nahá
Team from Foundations Church, led by Megan Bowen met up with COTR team, led by LaNell Miller for the Nahá/Lacandon conference.
Evening service in the Lacandon jungle village of Nahá.
Dr. Ayo, a conference speaker praying with a Lacandon couple.
Special song in 5 languages - Spanish, Tzeltal, English, Maya and Tzotzil.
Hiking in the selva of Lacandon.
International Bible Institute
March 2023
Tuxtepec Class of 2023
Session VIII & Graduation
Graduation Ceremony was very moving. A full newsletter will be sent soon with photos of the IBI graduation and upcoming May sessions.
Class of 2023 with Rev. Carlos Tovilla, Professors Ron Gray, Bill Watts, David Peeler and Maestra Mauri.
Professor Ronald Gray and Interpreter Luis Pinto ministering at Bethesda in Tuxtepec.
Chenalho Class of 2024
Session IV
Students with Professors Joe, Cathy, Raul, Rosy, Jemima and Interpreter Lorenzo.
Our dedicated IBI students.
So thankful for Professor Joe and his wife, Cathy for teaching Christ Kingdom in Me.
Women’s Conferences
LaNell Miller and the fabulous team from COTR-Texarkana and various states in MX ministered to the women in February. Many lives were changed!
Women seeking the Lord and receiving ministry.
Interpreter Berenice, Charlotte, and Conference host, Mauri.
This first women’s service in Usila was a wonderful experience for us. LaNell preached in English, Berenice in Spanish and our Usila sister in Chinanteco.
An optional form of travel from Tuxtepec to Usila can include a two hour boat ride, and the scenery is worth every moment!
Lunch was the Chinanteco specialty called caldo de piedra or “stone soup” which our Usila friends prepared by placing hot stones in gourds to cook the fish soup.
Fantastic team effort! Thanks to Agua Vida Lacandon for hosting this 3rd conference with COTR & Foundations Church.
Thankful for God’s presence in our services with women from the surrounding area.
There is always lots of ministry for the children of the women who attend these conferences.
At least 200 people were fed during the special luncheon.
Pennell Foundation Team - Chenalho
Praise God for this new church building in Jabalón, Chiapas in the Chenalho area.
The team from north Texas, led by Tom Akins, praying during the church dedication in Jabalón this past January.
Pennell Foundation team members and Luis enjoying their power tools.
Many thanks to Olga of Chenalho, Teresa Meyers and the team for lots of children’s ministry.
Oaxaca Church Dedication
February church building dedication day in Arroyo Chiquito, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.
Ribbon cutting day! Many thanks to Travis of COTR-Texarkana for raising the construction funds.