But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
II Cor. 4:7
International Bible Institute (IBI) Graduation & Updates
Graduation 2023
On March 18, 2023, we held the first graduation ceremony at the International Bible Institute Tuxtepec, Oaxaca campus, our second Bible school location. And what a celebration it was! We all sensed God’s presence and anointing throughout the entire event. While there was much excitement and joy, there was also a reverence for God’s presence that met with us. There was not a dry eye among our students and almost everyone else who attended. We had many holy and sacred moments, as well as great rejoicing.
We are so thankful for our dedicated students, each professor who faithfully teaches God’s Word, the directors, leaders, cooks and other servants of God who make this institute a reality. And a very special thank you to all of the sponsors who invest in our student’s lives through prayer and finances!
Moving Forward
Then in May, another two year course with new students in Tuxtepec began. Once again, we are thankful God sent Professor Stephen Rannells to initiate the classes for this new generation. The following week, Professor LeRoy Curtis, accompanied by his wife Judy, taught the class in Chenalhó which will graduate next March. From now on, there will be a March graduation each year alternating between campuses.
IBI gives an opportunity for believers to set aside time for seriously allowing God to work by carving their future and destiny according to His design. “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block,…I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”—Michelangelo. Professor LeRoy used this quote in our last class session in Chenalhó saying it is how God
sees and transforms us. His Word chisels away at our lives allowing the treasure within us to be seen and useful. Some come to us as seasoned pastors. Others are diamonds in the rough. Yet God skillfully carves us all into useful vessels for His will and purposes.
We are humbled and grateful for what God has done and continues to do through the lives of our students. The bonds of friendship among classmates are God ordained. A ministry network with our students has proven to widely expand the Gospel in Mexico and abroad. The testimonies of how God is using the lives of all of our graduates are what keeps us passionate to see IBI continue. Thank you for your past support! We so appreciate your generous help and also need new interested sponsors to make that happen.
Make an Eternal Investment by Sponsoring a Student!
$800 will sponsor one student for the full two year program. It can be given as a one-time gift, or divided as you choose. Many give monthly, annually or whatever they can. It is one of the greatest investments in the mission of Mexico Outreach, because it is an eternal work resulting in lives greatly changed. Please contact us or click the button below for more information.
May God bless you and your family abundantly in all you do and give!
The Class of 2023
The students completed their second year of studies this past March and their graduation was a great event in all of our lives celebrating together the vision God has given us and so many others to train leaders for His purposes.
(Left): Our class of beautiful ladies filled with the Spirit of the Lord on this joyous day! (Right): The very distinguished and powerful class of men who are pastors, preachers, worship leaders, and mighty servants of the Lord!
Graduation Ceremony 2023
(Left): What an incredible group of students! We are so proud of their accomplishments and know they will be mountain movers for the kingdom of God in their own communities and wherever He sends them. (Right): As administrators of IBI and Mexico Outreach, Russell and Charlotte always open the graduation ceremony with a welcome to all in attendance.
(Left): So thankful for Evangelist Ronald Gray, the keynote speaker and one of the professors for the last week of classes. His stories and testimonies were inspiring to us all. Interpreter: Luis Pinto (Right): The ceremony was filled with the presence of God including the moment when Pastor Carlos, President of IBI, announced for the students to turn their tassels representing the completion of their two year study program.
(Left): Special honor was given to the top 3 students in academic studies. Josias-Valedictorian, Viridiana and Abimael. (Right): IBI Tuxtepec Director Cesar presenting a special award to Pastor Toribio of the Usila area who graduated at 77 yrs old.
(Left): It was the first time for IBI that the special song How Great Thou Art was presented in the Mazateco and Chinanteco dialects along with the traditional Spanish and English versions. (Right): It is always an incredible moment when the graduates toss their caps in victory and celebration! Congratulations Class of 2023!
Graduation Fiesta & Preparations
Rehearsal for the graduation day program was already starting to get emotional.
(Left): Fiesta night has become a tradition prior to the day of graduation. Fun time and special memories! We gave the cooks the night off and had them join the students for a special meal. (Right): Thank you gifts and special recognitions were given to many who made it possible to conduct classes throughout the two year program. Russell presented Mauri with a fun gift.
Personalizing new study Bibles for each graduate - a gift on graduation day.
IBI Leadership
Combined Campuses Leadership
Front: Mauri Espino-Tuxtepec Director, Charlotte Linscombe-Administrator, Raul Araujo-Pastor/Chenalhó Director, Dave Peeler-Professor, Joe Schoblocher-Professor
Back: Jorge Díaz-Pastor/IJSR Secretary Carlos Tovilla-Pastor/President, Ron Gray-Evangelist/Professor, Russell Linscombe-Administrator, Bill Watts-Professor
Professors Ron Gray, Joe Shoblocher, Bill Watts and Dave Peeler taught the in the last and/or previous sessions pictured with Russell, Charlotte, Mauri and Pastor Cesar Salcedo, Tuxtepec Directors.
Chenalhó - Class of 2024
IBI Chenalhó class with the professors and staff. The second year of studies is well on its way!
(Left): Many thanks to Dr. LeRoy Curtis and his wife, Judy, for teaching Session 5: Christ’s Kingdom in the Family. As missionaries in Kenya, they helped establish a training center there from which our Bible school is patterned.(Right): LeRoy Curtis, IBI professor and writer of the Inductive Studies used by IBI with Luis Pinto, IBI interpreter and MXO staff.
Thanking God for the successful surgery that Professor LeRoy had last August that made it possible for his return. The students are praying for LeRoy and Judy’s continued health and strength.
Tuxtepec - Class of 2025
Introducing the 2nd generation of IBI Tuxtepec and 7th generation of IBI combined campuses. It is always an exciting time to start a new class of students!
Russell, Charlotte, Luis, Pastor Carlos and his wife, Barbara, Shayla, Professor Stephen, Mauri and Pastor Cesar (IBI Directors) all met with the new Tuxtepec class this past May.
Pastor Carlos Tovilla, President of IBI and IJSR, exhorting the new class of 2025.
(Left): Professor Stephen Rannells who has helped to establish all seven generations of IBI classes with Bere Salcedo, Interpreter and MXO staff member. (Right): We are grateful Shayla Hintz, our faithful secretary for MXO and Professor Stephen’s daughter, could join us in Tuxtepec for Session 1: God’s Covenant History. We so appreciate her years of serving God’s purposes through MXO!