The things you have heard from me…commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2
Continuing the Faith
The summer months are a busy time for Mexico Outreach (MXO)! We have the privilege of hosting different short term mission teams almost every week and sometimes more than one in a given week. We are so grateful for each of these teams who are giving of themselves to minister to the people of southern Mexico by helping with building projects, medical and dental campaigns, children’s ministry and so much more!
Each week multiple testimonies arise from the people with whom we work. It would take several books to contain them all, but we want to share one with you here. Several years ago we visited a mountain village in Usila, Oaxaca. Shortly after, MXO began church construction in this location. It is an indigenous area of Chinantecos, so we were interested to learn how they first heard the Gospel message of Jesus. We were told the story of a priest who preached the true Word of God and raised up disciples in Usila starting in 1969. Through his faithfulness, an abundance of Christian churches grew in the area from this one man’s ministry. Now all these years later, MXO has also been able to join in the work in this same area by building several churches for these people and conducting medical campaigns and women’s conferences. Because of the continued peaching by this man’s original disciples, God has now given us an open door to advance His kingdom in this area.
God has given MXO wonderful connections with some of the original disciples such as Pastor Toribio, who lives in Usila and at 77 years old, graduated with the IBI Tuxtepec class this past March. Another connection is 79 year old pastor, Simeon (pictured above) and his wife, Juliana, who are also fruit of the ministry that began in 1969. In June of this year, MXO in cooperation with King’s Trail Church, was able to construct a new church building for them in their village of Santo Tomas Texas, Oaxaca. These faithful people have “endured hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim 2:3). Just like the priest before them, pastors such as Toribio and Simeon have spread the Gospel message and raised up many disciples in the mountains of Oaxaca from which lives have been changed for all eternity. What a fulfillment of the Scripture, “The things you have heard from me…commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim 2:2)!
Your prayers, financial support and other acts of service are so appreciated because they allow MXO the privilege of continuing to be a part of the ministry in this area!
Summer Teams
Kings Trail Church of Texas
Matt Malone and team #1 in front of Santo Tomas church building.
(Left): Pastor Simeon and his wife giving homegrown coffee and chocolate to Russell and Pastor Cesar. (Right): Team #2 led by Pastor Duane built a church in Jalapa de Diaz for Pastor Angel’s congregation.
Our Savior’s Church
A fun moment with Pastor Pasqual and the team.
Construction team from several OSC churches in S. Louisiana who built a church in Villa San Miguel, North Chiapas.
Georgetown Baptist
Has returned many years to serve through church construction and children’s ministry!
Chenalho Medical, VBS and Construction Team
Members from Texas, Louisiana, Nebraska and Colorado joined our local people to serve the Chenalhó area. This is another group who has been with us for many years.
Dr. Jim and Dr. Lulu led the medical campaign in various communities. Sonja headed up VBS activities and shoe distribution to kids. The guys constructed a church building in Chimix, Chiapas with funds from an individual donation.
Many thanks to you all!
Family Life Church
Pastor Terry Darnel led the first youth group to Chiapas right at 30 years ago. He has raised up a couple of generations of teams now. This Sugarland, Texas team built two homes for widows in the Chenalhó area. What a blessing to Marta and Luisa!
Church Construction
Several church buildings were constructed by teams this summer. All require a process that includes challenges but in the end are immense blessings for the local church and teams!
Georgetown Baptist team members carrying buckets of cement to pour the church floor.
(Left): Some locations are easier to get to than others! (Right): Tzotzil woman helping with the church construction by hauling water.
Special Dedication Moments
(Left): Church built in San Miguel by OSC beautifully decorated with flowers for the dedication service. (Right): The celebration had a great turnout.
(Left): Great rejoicing with Pastor Angel and the congregation of Jalapa de Diaz! (Right): Bible distribution is always part of the church dedication services. Many thanks to all who contribute towards this great cause!
Children’s Ministry
Lots of fantastic children’s ministry this summer! (Above): VBS Chenalhó was a great success and well attended.
(Left): Another wonderful week of VBS in Tzabalho with the Georgetown Baptist team. (Right): Very impressive to drive up and see all the children waiting for the Family Life team.
(Left): So precious when little children learn about worshipping God! (Right): Children’s program taught by Matt Malone’s Team enjoying shade of the tree in the 120° weather in Santo Tomas Texas, Oaxaca.
(Left): Special thanks to Sonja for her dedication and generosity in building a powerful VBS for many summers! (Right): Roxanne and interpreter, Johnny of Chenalhó, ministering to children as another facet of July’s medical campaign.
(Left): Shows the means of transportation for these kids to travel to their special program. (Right): Led by Olga, Rosy & Hilda, the local children’s ministry team has taught in Chiapas with our US teams for many years.
IBI August Sessions
Class of 2024
(Above): Students, instructors and interpreters.(Right): Many thanks to Professors Ron Gray and Joe Schoblocher for teaching Christ Kingdom in the Church. Photo with Luis Pinto, Interpreter and Raul Araujo, IBI Chenlhó Director.
Class of 2025
(Above): Students, instructors and interpreters. (Left): So thankful Professor Leroy Curtis returned again in August to teach Basic Bible Doctrines. Pictured with Luis Pinto, Interpreter.