The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…
Isaiah 9:2
True Christmas Spirit
It’s been a year of shining the Light in the darkness in Mexico and into the lives of many individuals. You have been a part of that through your prayers, finances and mission trips. Homes and churches were constructed, medical needs met, many women and children ministered to, students continued their training and studies, clothing, Bibles and shoes were distributed and much more. It was the true spirit of Christmas all year long! We thank God for you and your caring hearts and want to share some ways we’ve seen this demonstrated in 2023.
In the above photo, you can see over 300 people attending a minister's conference lead by Pastor Carlos Tovilla, president of this church association, IJSR. The organization was formed over 30 years ago. It has nothing to do with American structure or governing, but we remember when there was only one pastor and one church with a few mission outreaches in the association. God has allowed us the privilege to witness this growth in His Kingdom and to work along side of these wonderful leaders. Our calling is to hold up their arms as they seek God's vision for their own people. Together, we labor with common goals among this group and other organizations.
This new van is another great blessing that so many helped to make possible. MXO was given a nice monetary gift to initiate the project, but it came with a commitment of raising matching funds. The van was a real need to safely transport teams and our helpers. Thank you to all who contributed!
Our staff in MX has brought such joy to us and everyone they serve. We are so grateful to have these incredibly gifted and loyal people in our lives. May the blessings that come through the light of Jesus shine in your hearts today and in the New Year!
Medical/Dental Campaign
Oaxaca campaign medical team from Louisiana, Florida, Tuxtepec, Tuxtla and Monterrey.
The Access Church medical team from Florida.
So thankful for Dr. Jim Nichols, DDS who has addressed dental needs in Mexico and has headed up medical campaigns for many years now.
Our dedicated Dr. Lulu with the Access Church team during the campaign in Cruzton & Chenalhó.
Russell was honored to officiate the beautiful wedding for the son of Pastor Cesar, Josias and his lovely bride, Jacqueline, who are like family to us.
Russell presenting funds to Director Elizabeth of Casa Hogar Alegre orphanage.
Bible distribution is a regular part of ministry throughout the year.
So thankful for the gift of a water filtration system in Chenalhó funded by COTR-TX.
Construction Projects
Homes for Single Moms
Pastor Ryan Jordan led this FL team to Chenalhó and built two homes for single moms. The team also ministered to children and did a medical campaign.
(Left) Ryan Jordan’s team carrying furniture for homes built by Access Church. (Right:) Matilde was overwhelmed with gratitude after receiving a new home and study Bible.
The building of these homes impact the living conditions of the recipient as seen in these contrasting photos.
Church Construction
The project team included members from The Vineyard and Foundations Church along with Pastor Pascual and family.
Lafayette Vineyard team helped construct this beautiful church building in Sibal, Chiapas. Funds were raised by Travis Jackson of COTR-TX.
Lacandon Dormitory Kitchen
Foundations Church of Lafayette, LA raised the funds for new kitchen equipment and furnishings. Many thanks to Pastor Steven Bowen, his wife, Megan and their team.
Highlands Women’s Conference
Charlotte hosting the pastors and ministers wives conference in Chenalhó. Other locations for the conference meetings included Rancharia Sinai and Tzabalho.
(Left:) A great turn out of leaders from the mountains of Chiapas. (Right:) COTR-Texarkana team with Pastor Alejandro’s family.
Pastor Carlos Tovilla and his wife, Barbara (also conference speaker) with Tuxtepec team led by Pastor Cesar and Mauri.
(Left): A special luncheon during the conference. Funds were provided by COTR-TX and the meal was prepared by the Tuxtepec team. (Right): We cannot thank the Bethesda Tuxtepec team enough who served faithfully all week. Besides the women, the men and kids were also fed totaling around 350.
(Left): Women gathered in Chenalho for a service. (Right): Berenice-Interpreter, Pastor LaNell-Speaker, Charlotte, Mauri-Speaker & Tuxtepec leader, and Rosa-Chenalho church host.
Many gifts for the women & children of Chiapas were distributed during the conference.
(Left): Berenice, LaNell and Charlotte with Tzotzil interpreters Rosy, Hilda and Olga. (Right): In addition to helping with the women’s conference, COTR also built a block home for Lorenzo (a Chenalho minister) and his new wife as well as ministering to children in every location.
IBI November Sessions
Class of 2024
Students with professors and staff.
Measuring robes to prepare for a March 16, 2024 graduation.
Professor Stephen accompanied by Mike Mahoney along with Director Raúl and Administrators Russell and Charlotte.
Class of 2025
Students, staff and professors enjoying an evening of food and fellowship.
A special treat! Students from Oaxaca made Sopa de Piedra (soup cooked by hot stones).
So grateful to these wonderful professors, Don, Pastor Joe, Cathy and Pastor Jim!