“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
2 Tim. 4:7
Faithful Finish
May it be said of each one of us that we finished well! This certainly can be said of “Mama Rosa”. Having come to know the Lord Jesus as her personal Savior in 1988, she lived every day well since then for Him. In her last walking moments, she went to ladies choir practice at church in Chenalhó. She returned home with a severe headache and went to her heavenly home three days later.
We met Mama Rosa on our first visit to the Highlands of Chiapas many years ago. From that day forward, she and her family were the first to greet us and our teams upon arrival, and she was the last to say goodbye. We will never forget our very last goodbye on earth, but we know there is an eternity that awaits us where we will never have to say good bye again. It won’t be the same in Chenalhó without Mama Rosa, but we will all continue on. Our prayers for comfort continue for her family.
Other members from our US teams have also lost a spouse during these past months. We are saddened for their time of loneliness while they experience a season of temporary separation, but some are turning grief into moments of joy. One example of that was when Randy Rice along with friends and family members sent donations to MXO to construct a church building in the memory of his wife, Madelyn. Exactly one year after his wife’s passing, his son, Charlie, and daughter, Lauren Gary, and family traveled with Randy to Diamonte, Chiapas to work alongside of the local people with the construction. It brought great joy to us all to know Madelyn Rice’s memory would live on in the hearts of these thankful people of Diamonte. The family was able to participate in a beautiful dedication service where Randy (Pictured Right) encouraged everyone with his wife’s favorite quote, “I love you, and Jesus loves you more!” And that is the Gospel message pure and simple! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed in Him would not perish but have eternal life.”
Special Note: Right at the time of sending this newsletter to the printer, we received word of our dear friend Mary Lou Myers finishing her race as well. She and her husband, Larry, were our missionary mentors for many years. More to say in the next newsletter.
Construction/Medical Teams
Turning Grief Into Joy!
The Madelyn Rice Memorial Church in Diamonte, Chiapas
The Rice/Gary Family: Randy, Chap, Grace, Lauren and Charlie
January Team
Construction and Medical Team
Dental team in training under supervision of Dr. Lulu and Dr. Nichols.
First Baptist Church-Texarkana
Church built in Poblado Joltulija
The FBC team slept in tents in La Siria and drove to the construction site each day.
FBC men’s team
Beautiful nearby scenery was a benefit for staying in primitive conditions.
Chenalhó - Class of 2024
Graduation Day!
More graduation news and details about IBI to come in a future newsletter!
Session 8: Christ’s Kingdom In the World
Professors and Staff: Mike Jeanson, Russell and Charlotte, Luis Pinto, Henry and Veronica Biemann
Tuxtepec - Class of 2025
Session 5: Christ’s Kingdom In Me
A/C has been installed in the lady’s dorm and the men's will have A/C by May classes, thanks to your help!
The professors for this session, Bill Watts and David Peeler
Hot Water in Lacandon
Thanks for the contribution and to those who installed it making this heater a reality for the Lacandon dorms.
Lacandon Youth Conference
For several years, MXO has helped finance a youth camp held in the Lacandon area. The Presence of God has impacted so many lives. These phenomenal events are a balance of teaching, worship and fun activities. 300 youth were in attendance, and another 200 adults and children joined the evening services.
Acapulco Outreach
Last fall a category 5 hurricane left Acapulco with vast destruction. Thank you so much for financially partnering with us and Bethesda of Tuxtepec for a January campaign to distribute food to people in this area. Your gift provided many smiles to those still in need!
Pennell Foundation Team
Dormitory Dedication
The Lacandon dorms were financed by The Carol and Becky Pennell Foundation. Dedication was this past January with ribbon cutting and a plaque in memory of Mr. Carol.
2020 Carol Pennell & Pastor Pasqual - Mr. Carol’s last trip to Mexico before his passing in 2022.
The team also expanded the Presbyterian Church building in Lacandon and constructed a new roof.
Nightly worship is a regular part of every team’s schedule.
Teresa Meyers ministering to the ladies of the Lacandon area.
Thank you to those who continually give to the Bible distribution ministry!
Church on the Rock Team
Tuxtepec Women’s Conference
We anticipated 200 women for the February conference. With that in mind, food was prepared for 250 people. The Lord multiplied the food, and all went amazingly well even though we were delighted with at least 350 women in attendance. God’s presence filled our services, and the ladies returned home blessed from the ministry and times of prayer. Thanks to Pastor Cesar and Mauri, LaNell Miller and team from COTR-Texarkana!
Berenice with LaNell and team member, Kym
Berenice, Spanish interpreter and Charlotte
Dedication of Templo Embajadores de Cristo
Located in La Mina, Oaxaca. Funds provided by COTR-TX. Pastor Cesar, Mauri, Pastora Mariana, Pastora LaNell, Charlotte and Russell.
Typical transportation.
Congregation enjoying the dedication service.